The bisection method is useful when you want to find a root of a continuous function in a specified range. It works on the Intermediate Value Theorem which says that if a continuous function changes sign over an interval, there is at least one root of the function in that interval. Here is how to find a root using this method.
- Assign end points for the 'root hunt'. Let's call them 'a' ad 'b'. The end points should be such that the value of the function, f at both points should be opposite in sign.i.e. f(a), f(b)<0. This is because we will search for a point within this limit that has zero value for the function or a point where the function crosses the x-axis of the Cartesian Plane. If the end points have the same sign, we can use the GO TO statement to read new values for a and b.
- We choose the mid-point of this interval. Now this mid-point, let's call it 'c', will have some value for the function, namely f(c). Evidently, f(c) will have a positive or negative sign unless it has the value zero in which case it is the root.
- If f(c) has a sign opposite to f(a) or f(b), we will continue searching the root between f(c) and that particular endpoint. Obviously, it cannot have a sign opposite to both as per our choice of a and b. Depending on which end has the opposite sign, either a will take the value of c or c will take the value of b.
- We continue this till we get the desired degree of accuracy in the value of the root (upto a certain number of decimal points).
Now for the FORTRAN program,
!To find the root of a function using bisection method
program rootf
implicit none
real a,b,c,f,root
10 write (*,*) "Give the range within which you wish to find a single root?"
read (*,*) a,b
write(*,*) "The end points are"
write (*,*) "a= ",a,"b= ",b
if (f(a)*f(b)>0) then !To make sure the end points have opposite signs
write (*,*) "The function has same sign at both end points. Please, try again."
go to 10
write (*,*) "Finding roots in the range ",a," to ",b
!To start computation
if (abs(f(a))<0.00001) then
end if
if (abs(f(b))<0.00001) then
end if
c=(a+b)/2.0 !To check the value of the function at the mid-point. This will anyway be checked again when the value of c is replaced the next time the loop runs
if (abs(f(c))<0.00001) then
end if
if (f(a)*f(c)<0) then !To move end points closer to the root
end if
if (abs(b-a)<0.00001) then ! To exit the loop on getting the answer upto a certain number of decimal places
end if
end do
end if
write (*,*) "The root of x**2-x-5 in the range ",a," to ",b," is ",root !To display the result
end program rootf
!Subprogram to define the function, f
function f(x)
implicit none
real f,x
f=x**2-x-5 !You can change the function as per choice. Just make sure it is continuous
end function f
!To find the root of a function using bisection method
program rootf
implicit none
real a,b,c,f,root
10 write (*,*) "Give the range within which you wish to find a single root?"
read (*,*) a,b
write(*,*) "The end points are"
write (*,*) "a= ",a,"b= ",b
if (f(a)*f(b)>0) then !To make sure the end points have opposite signs
write (*,*) "The function has same sign at both end points. Please, try again."
go to 10
write (*,*) "Finding roots in the range ",a," to ",b
!To start computation
if (abs(f(a))<0.00001) then
end if
if (abs(f(b))<0.00001) then
end if
c=(a+b)/2.0 !To check the value of the function at the mid-point. This will anyway be checked again when the value of c is replaced the next time the loop runs
if (abs(f(c))<0.00001) then
end if
if (f(a)*f(c)<0) then !To move end points closer to the root
end if
if (abs(b-a)<0.00001) then ! To exit the loop on getting the answer upto a certain number of decimal places
end if
end do
end if
write (*,*) "The root of x**2-x-5 in the range ",a," to ",b," is ",root !To display the result
end program rootf
!Subprogram to define the function, f
function f(x)
implicit none
real f,x
f=x**2-x-5 !You can change the function as per choice. Just make sure it is continuous
end function f
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