Fortran has an inbuilt function to calculate the matrix product of two matrices. This function is MATMUL( MatrixA,MatrixB). In this post, we will study the simple logic behind how this works. For simplicity, we choose two square matrices of order 3, so that we do not have to bother about whether the multiplication is feasible. Let us see how this works.
- First, we read inputs for matrices A and B from their respective input files and display them at the terminal. We need to create an output matrix AB of the same dimension.
- We need to assign values to each element of AB. Therefore, we need two DO loops i=1 to n and j=1 to n. For non-square matrices of different orders, this is slightly different.
- Now we need one more loop for calculating elements of AB. Before the loop, we initialize the sum, s=0. Inside the loop, we will take the sum of each A(i,k)+B(k,j) for k=1 to 3. Therefore, we need another DO loop inside.
- After the END DO statement of the innermost loop, we will have calculated the sum, so we define AB(i,j)=s. Note that the s=0 statement used earlier automatically resets the sum for calculating the next element in a row.
- We then display the result. Additionally, we can also display the result using the intrinsic function, MATMUL.
- We can use a flag to check if both the results are the same. If we set the flag to 1 initially, and check each element of AB against an element of the result, C given by the intrinsic function. If the elements do not match we change flag=0, exit and display that the results do not match.
- If everything goes well we retain the value of the flag=1 and display that the results match.
Matrix Multiplication of A(3,3) and B(3,3) |
Now, for the Fortran program,
!To find the product of two matrices
program matrix_3x3
implicit none
integer i,j,k,flag
real A(3,3),B(3,3),AB(3,3),C(3,3),s
open (unit=1,file='matrix1.dat') !To read matrix A
write (*,*) "matrix A"
read (1,*) A
do i=1,3 !To display matrix A
write (*,*) (A(i,j),j=1,3)
end do
open (unit=1,file='matrix2.dat') !To read matrix B
write (*,*) "matrix B"
read (1,*) B
do i=1,3 !To display matrix B
write (*,*) (B(i,j),j=1,3)
end do
!To calculate the result
do i=1,3 !To change rows
do j=1,3 !To change columns
s=0 !To reset the sum for the next element in the row
do k=1,3 !Notice why the number of columns of A have to be equal to the number of rows of B
end do
AB(i,j)=s !To assign values to each element of the product
end do
end do
write (*,*) "matrix AB (the result)" !To display the result
do i=1,3
write (*,*) (AB(i,j),j=1,3)
end do
C=matmul(A,B) !To perform matrix multiplication by intrinsic function. Optional
write(*,*) "The product of matrices A and B by intrinsic function"
do i=1,3
write(*,*) (C(i,j),j=1,3)
end do
flag=1 !To check whether AB=C
do i=1,3
do j=1,3
if (AB(i,j).ne.C(i,j)) then
end if
end do
end do
if (flag==1) then !To display if AB=C or not
write (*,*) "The results match"
write(*,*) "The results do not match. Recheck the program"
end if
end program matrix_3x3
!To find the product of two matrices
program matrix_3x3
implicit none
integer i,j,k,flag
real A(3,3),B(3,3),AB(3,3),C(3,3),s
open (unit=1,file='matrix1.dat') !To read matrix A
write (*,*) "matrix A"
read (1,*) A
do i=1,3 !To display matrix A
write (*,*) (A(i,j),j=1,3)
end do
open (unit=1,file='matrix2.dat') !To read matrix B
write (*,*) "matrix B"
read (1,*) B
do i=1,3 !To display matrix B
write (*,*) (B(i,j),j=1,3)
end do
!To calculate the result
do i=1,3 !To change rows
do j=1,3 !To change columns
s=0 !To reset the sum for the next element in the row
do k=1,3 !Notice why the number of columns of A have to be equal to the number of rows of B
end do
AB(i,j)=s !To assign values to each element of the product
end do
end do
write (*,*) "matrix AB (the result)" !To display the result
do i=1,3
write (*,*) (AB(i,j),j=1,3)
end do
C=matmul(A,B) !To perform matrix multiplication by intrinsic function. Optional
write(*,*) "The product of matrices A and B by intrinsic function"
do i=1,3
write(*,*) (C(i,j),j=1,3)
end do
flag=1 !To check whether AB=C
do i=1,3
do j=1,3
if (AB(i,j).ne.C(i,j)) then
end if
end do
end do
if (flag==1) then !To display if AB=C or not
write (*,*) "The results match"
write(*,*) "The results do not match. Recheck the program"
end if
end program matrix_3x3
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Sample Output for Matrix Multiplication of two 3x3 matrices |
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