The Line of Best Fit helps us find the best fitting line for a set of points(x,y). In experiments, where x and y have a linear relationship, this can help us draw more accurate results. Let us how to create a line of best fit from the given data.
- As usual, considering that the number of points may be large, we use an input file to save the data and read it from. It reads the value of x and y in two columns.
- We also set a counter for counting the number of sets (x,y).
- We allocate yfit(n), the total number of points.
- We calculate all variables required in the formulas for a and b, where each yfit(i) is a+b*x(i), where a is the y-intercept and b is the slope of the line. We then calculate each yfit in a do loop.
- We write results to file. Additionally, we may plot the results x,y and x,yfit on Gnuplot for comparison.
Now for the Fortran program,
!To find points on a straight line fitting the data
program sqfit
implicit none
real sumx,sumy,sumx2,sumxy,xbar,ybar,a,b
integer n,i
real x(1000),y(1000)!To read data
real, allocatable :: yfit(:)
write (*,15) "x","y"
15 format (10x,a1,15x,a1)
open (5,file='file1.dat')
do i=1,1000
read (5,*,end=10) x(i),y(i)
write (*,*) x(i),y(i) !This write statement is in the output anyway
end do
10 write(*,*)
write (*,*) "For the given ",n," sets of points (x,y)"
sumx=sum(x) !To calculate the sums and averages for the main formulas
a=((ybar*sumx2)-(xbar*sumxy))/(sumx2-(real(n)*(xbar**2)))!Formula for the y-intercept of the best linear curve
b=(sumxy-(real(n)*xbar*ybar))/(sumx2-(real(n)*(xbar**2)))!Formula for the slope of the best linear curve
allocate (yfit(n))
do i=1,n
end do
write (*,*) "y-intercept, a= ",a !To display the output
write (*,*)"slope,b= ",b
write (*,20)"x","y","yfit"
20 format (10x,a1,15x,a1,13x,a4)
do i=1,n
write (*,*)x(i),y(i),yfit(i)
end do
open (unit=7, file='file2.dat') !To write the output to a file
do i=1,n
write (7,*) x(i),yfit(i)
end do
end program sqfit
!To find points on a straight line fitting the data
program sqfit
implicit none
real sumx,sumy,sumx2,sumxy,xbar,ybar,a,b
integer n,i
real x(1000),y(1000)!To read data
real, allocatable :: yfit(:)
write (*,15) "x","y"
15 format (10x,a1,15x,a1)
open (5,file='file1.dat')
do i=1,1000
read (5,*,end=10) x(i),y(i)
write (*,*) x(i),y(i) !This write statement is in the output anyway
end do
10 write(*,*)
write (*,*) "For the given ",n," sets of points (x,y)"
sumx=sum(x) !To calculate the sums and averages for the main formulas
a=((ybar*sumx2)-(xbar*sumxy))/(sumx2-(real(n)*(xbar**2)))!Formula for the y-intercept of the best linear curve
b=(sumxy-(real(n)*xbar*ybar))/(sumx2-(real(n)*(xbar**2)))!Formula for the slope of the best linear curve
allocate (yfit(n))
do i=1,n
end do
write (*,*) "y-intercept, a= ",a !To display the output
write (*,*)"slope,b= ",b
write (*,20)"x","y","yfit"
20 format (10x,a1,15x,a1,13x,a4)
do i=1,n
write (*,*)x(i),y(i),yfit(i)
end do
open (unit=7, file='file2.dat') !To write the output to a file
do i=1,n
write (7,*) x(i),yfit(i)
end do
end program sqfit
![]() |
Sample Output for Least Square Fitting |
Gnuplot for Points x,y and Line x,yfit |
To plot the data, change the directory to where you have saved the .dat files. Then, type the following command:
plot 'file1.dat' with points, 'file2.dat' with linespoints
That should do.
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